Monday, November 16, 2009

Pumpkin Roll

Okay sorry I just read that we've moved onto pie recipes. I've never baked a home made pie, my moms the talent there. But I did make my first pumpkin roll this year and their not as hard as I thought. So I'll share that recipe in place of my pie. Hope that's ok. :)

1st bowl
1/2 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
Set aside

2nd bowl
1/2 tsp vanilla
4 egg yolks (beaten on high speed for 5 minutes)
Gradually add 1/3 cup sugar, mix until dissolved
Then add 1 & 1/2 cup pumpkin pie mix (has to say pie)
Rinse your bowl and mixers well, before making bowl 3.

3rd bowl
Beat egg whites until they form a stiff peak, then gradually add 1/2 cup sugar

Gently fold egg whites (bowl 3) into egg yolk mixutre (bowl 2)
Then gently add the flour mixture (bowl 1)
Spread dough across a lightly greased cookie sheet (putting it on wax paper works best)
Cook @ 375 for 12 minutes
While dough is still warm cut around pan edges.
Sprinkle powder sugar across a clean hand towel.
Flip pumpkin dough from pan onto hand towel.
Sprinkle powder sugar over pumpkin roll.

Beat 2 cubes of cream cheese. Add 1cup powder sugar (more if wanting sweeter) and a capful of vanilla.
Spread frosting across top of roll. Now roll your pumpkin roll and your done!



I've ALWAYS wanted a good recipe for a pumpkin roll... now I am in real trouble, it really doesn't take any unusual ingredients... most of this stuff I have on hand (even the pumpkin filling). Oh no... that roll might be rolling right onto my tummy rolls.

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